About me

Hi there, my name is Vanshika Agrawal. I am an undergrad with a strong passion for problem solving combining my disciplines in Computer Science and Business, complemented by strong foundations in Data Analytics.

My journey into the world of computer science has led me to seek internships in Software Engineering, Data Engineering, and Fintech. I am eager to continue growing and developing my skills, applying what I learn to solve real-world problems, and I aspire to continue growing and applying whatever I learn in these fields.

Feel free to contact me or connect with me on LinkedIn!


B.S. in Computer Science and Business — New Jersey Institute of Technology
    Ying Wu College of Computing
    GPA: 3.8/4.0 (Dean's List)
    Activities: Association of Computing Machinery, NJIT High Performance Computing Initiative, NJIT Association of Indian Students, Rewriting the code
    AWS Logo AWS Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C02) CISCO Logo Cisco Networking Basics

Relevant Technical Coursework

  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Database Design and Management
  • Programming Language Concepts
  • Programming in Linux
  • System Design and Analysis
  • Operating Systems
  • Computer Networks
  • Introduction to Cybersecurity

Relevant Math Coursework

  • Multivariable Calculus
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Linear Algebra

Relevant Business Coursework

  • Corporate Finance
  • Business Data Analytics
  • Operations Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Computing Applications in Business
  • Principles of Marketing
  • Principles of Financial Accounting
  • International Business



Software Engineering Intern
June 2024 - August 2024
  • Cloud Infrastructure and Development Team
  • Migrated on-premises database with optimized cost usage using AWS Redshift and PowerBI, resulting in a 30% reduction in data processing time in conducting data analysis with a 40% increase in reporting efficiency
  • Created a seamless integration between AWS CloudFormation to AWS Athena and QuickSight, which simplified data visualization processes for 5+ analytics dashboards, leading to 20% improved decision-making and accelerated reporting timelines

Exelon (PECO)

Business Data Analyst
January 2024 - May 2024
  • Crafted precise SQL queries to fulfill targeted reporting objectives, ensuring the integrity and completeness of data extraction and manipulation
  • Successfully deployed three PowerBI dashboards that streamlined data visualization and enabled dynamic, user-driven analysis, enhancing decision-making processes across the organization

Machine Learning Research Assistant — NJIT

September 2023 - January 2024
  • Leveraged Python for scripting and its ML libraries like Pytorch, Tensorflow and Keras to train advanced neural network models
  • Maintained and reproduced the results of a suite of Cyber-infrastructure-enabled ML tools for space weather forecasting to improve their usability, utility, and lifetime


Automation Intern
July 2023 - September 2023
  • Developed and deployed a chatbot utilizing Python to automate report generation and counseling processes
  • Utilized natural language processing platforms like OpenAI's API for chatbot development

High Performance Computing Research Assistant — NJIT

September 2022 - September 2023
  • Crafted algorithms using Arachne, Arkouda, and Chapel to enable reliable data analytics while maximizing performance on graphs, resulting in a significant improvement in accuracy
  • Collaborated on producing and refining research papers to effectively communicate project results and increase data comprehension

New Student Orientation Leader — NJIT

June 2022 - January 2023
  • Coordinated and managed over 1500 students and parents for a smoother high school to college transition


Quant Analysis

  • Retrieved data on four trending stocks from Yahoo Finance utilzing 'yfinance' API, calculated daily gains, mean, variance, and visualized volatility distribution
  • Conducted correlation analysis, visualized monthly returns, and calculated the probability of profits and losses
  • Performed overall portfolio analysis and created comprehensive visualizations to communicate financial insights effectively

C++ Parser

  • Created a compiler for a simple Perl-Like language, including a lexical analyzer and parser-interpreter
  • Analyzed, parsed, and interpreted files written in the Perl-Like language based on defined language rules
  • Evaluated program outputs correctly and provided error messages for syntax errors in SPL programs


  • Developed a mental health and wellbeing resource in the form on an text message service inspired by the concept of a "zoo" as a collection of things and "space" as a mental state.
  • Secured a domain from Domain.com, hosted on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) with a Compute Server, using CockroachDB for the database, Golang for the backend, and Nginx as a reverse proxy.
  • Implemented NLP for enhanced user interactions and integrated Twilio for text messaging to facilitate user engagement and support.

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